# How do I integrate Jammed with my website?


Either use the mini booking app, or a link

# Mini booking app

Jammed offers a mini booking app, that you can add to any website.

# Demo

You can see a demo of the mini booking app below - it's connected to our Jammed demo account.

You can see more about the mini booking app on the dedicated website (opens new window).

The easiest way is to just link to the Jammed booking pages via your jammed account name.


You can see a sample link below - just replace demo-studios with your own account.

<a href="https://demo-studios.jammed.app">Book online</a>


Always use https:// for all links going to Jammed. For your security, and to protect your customer's security, Jammed only works using the secure HTTPS protocol.

Last changed: 4/20/2024, 9:39:27 AM
Jammed logo in black