# Prices
# What is a price?
With Jammed, a price isn’t just the amount you pay for a room. It’s so much more. Think of a price as being more like opening hours. (So why didn’t we call it opening hours? Well, it’s too late to go into that.)
What’s special about Jammed prices is that, when you set a price for a room, it makes that room available for booking by customers online. This is because the price attached to room hire is set according to the day, time and length of the booking.
A change to a price will be reflected on the customer booking page when we recalculate availability every hour.
# Setting prices
The price you set is the amount you charge your customers for the time they hire a room. To set a price, you first need to set the day(s), room and time(s) it will apply to. You can set a price for a single day or for a range of days by selecting the relevant days of the week.
A price can either be a simple fixed rate charge (e.g. $10 per hour), or a variable tiered rate (e.g. $20 for 1 hour, then $18 per hour for more than 3 hours) or a set rate around the clock (24/7 pricing).
# Simple pricing
A simple price consists of a fixed rate/price, the minimum period that price is charged and the times that price applies.
A simple price consists of a fixed price, how often that price is charged and a minimum time.
# Example I: Hourly rates
To set a simple hourly rate, you need to set both the minimum time and the slot length as 1 hour. The price will then be charged for each hour of a booking.
Jammed will automatically calculate the total price for each booking and charge the customer accordingly.
# Example II: Two-hourly rate
When setting a two-hourly rate, change the minimum time and slot length to 2 hours. A customer can then no longer make a 1- or 3-hour booking, as each booking has to be in 2-hour increments.
Jammed never offers customers fractions of the slot length - it always charges based on the full slot length
A customer can no longer make a 1 hour or 3 hour booking, as the slot length charged is 2 hours.
# Tiered pricing
Tiered pricing is when the price changes based on the length of the booking made. This allows you to set an hourly rate for a 1-hour booking and a cheaper rate for a 2-hour slot etc. This should encourage clients to book for longer.
You can add as many tiers as you like.
# When does a Jammed day end?
Because music studios are often still buzzing into the small hours, Jammed treats times up to 3am as the same day. In other words, the next day starts after 3am instead of midnight. This is to allow, say, your Monday evening session to pass into 1, 2 or 3 o’clock Tuesday morning without the booking needing to be split over two days.
This means that, if you set a price for Monday 9pm to 1am, it will treat this as one block of time that is available for booking. But if you try to set a price for Monday 10pm to 5am, Jammed will give you an error. This is because the end time for that price (5am Monday) is before the start time (10pm Monday) so the time is not valid.
If you need prices that go beyond the 3am cut-off, you need to set up your room and prices for 24/7 booking.
# 24/7 prices
A 24/7 price works in the same way as a simple or tiered price, but it applies to that room for 24 hours. This is to allow you to charge a price for the entire day to make bookings around the clock easier to manage. It also means you can block off days that your room is unavailable (e.g. for vacations, staff training).
For 24/7 prices, a day is set from midnight to midnight, instead of the default 3am to 3am
You can read more about 24/7 prices in Jammed on the Rooms support page